Signs God is preparing you for marriage
Marriage is a significant step in anyone’s life. And as a single Christian woman, it might also be one of your heart’s biggest desires.
I get it, I’m right there with you.
While you might not know when God is going to bring the right person into your life, there are signs that God might be at work in your life, paving the way for your future husband.
If you want to know if God is preparing you for the next chapter in your life, then this blog post is for you.
Whether you’re actively dating or simply waiting on God’s timing, read on to discover the signs God is preparing you for marriage.
10 signs God is preparing you for marriage
You might not be ready for marriage yet. And that’s okay. If God’s purpose for your life includes marriage, then he will prepare you at the right time.
Here are 10 signs to look for that indicate that God is preparing you for a new season.
1. A sense of contentment in your singleness and a real joy for life
One of the most important early signs God is preparing you for a relationship is when you’re starting to be at peace with your current season of life. You are fully embracing the present, and trusting in God’s plan for your future.
When you’re able to find joy and fulfillment in your singleness, it can also help you to be more patient. As well as to God’s guidance as you navigate the journey toward marriage.
It helps you to be more discerning in your dating relationships. You start to approach them with a healthy perspective and sense of balance.
2. A growing sense of self-awareness and grace for others
The next sign God may be preparing you for your future partner is a growing sense of self-awareness and grace for others.
As you grow in your relationship with God and become more secure in your identity, you will find that you’re better able to extend grace and understanding to others, even in difficult circumstances.
This can be a valuable trait in a marriage. Because it helps you navigate challenges and conflicts with greater compassion and empathy.
In addition, a growing sense of self-awareness helps you to identify your strengths and weaknesses. You learn to develop healthy patterns of communication and conflict resolution.
Ultimately, by seeking to grow in your relationship with God and to extend grace and understanding to others, you’ll be better equipped to build a strong, healthy Christian marriage that honors Him.
3. A desire to build friendships and be part of a community
Another clear sign God is preparing you for marriage is a desire to build Christ-centered relationships and be part of a community with shared values and faith.
You will feel drawn to connect with others who share your beliefs and values.
This can include joining a church community, attending Bible studies or prayer groups, or volunteering with Christian organizations.
Building deeper friendships and connections with others will not only help to support you as you navigate the ups and downs of life but can also provide meaningful connections with others who share your passion for God and a desire for a family.
Having friends that give can provide wise counsel also improves your ability to identify a godly relationship.
4. Opportunities for personal growth and newfound interest in God’s Word
When God prepares you for a godly spouse, you may find that you’re being challenged and stretched in your personal and professional life.
As you grow and learn important lessons about yourself you are being developed and better equipped to love and serve your future family.
By studying His Word and understanding His plan for your life, you acquire valuable traits that will help you to build a strong foundation of faith and to support each other in your spiritual journeys.
Ultimately, by seeking opportunities for personal growth and drawing closer to God, you’ll be able to pursue a relationship that honors Him.
5. A spirit of generosity
Another sign that God is preparing you for marriage is that you will increasingly feel drawn to show unconditional love by serving and loving others in practical ways.
This can include volunteering in your community, supporting charitable organizations, or simply looking for ways to show kindness and compassion to those around you.
A spirit of generosity and service is an important trait in a successful relationship, as it helps to build a strong foundation of love, respect, and selflessness.
Marriage will require sacrificial love and generosity at times.
As you learn to become a wife, you may find that your heart becomes more open to serving and caring for your future spouse.
6. An urge to improve your finances and become a true life partner
The biggest thing I’m noticing God is doing to prepare me for marriage is that I’m increasingly motivated to get my finances in order and to develop the skills and habits necessary to become a responsible and supportive partner.
This includes working to pay off debt, setting financial goals, learning about budgeting and investing, and building a solid foundation of financial stability.
By developing the qualities necessary to be a good partner, such as financial responsibility as well as communication skills, and a willingness to put your partner’s needs and desires before your own, you’ll be better equipped to build a strong relationship that can weather the storms of life.
7. A motivation to learn to become a homemaker
As God prepares you for marriage, you will find that you’re increasingly interested in developing the skills and knowledge necessary to create a warm, welcoming home for your future spouse and family.
This might include learning how to cook, clean, organize, decorate, and create a peaceful and inviting environment for your loved ones.
Additionally, you will increasingly be focused on developing the qualities necessary to be a supportive and nurturing partner, such as patience, kindness, and a willingness to put others’ needs first.
Cultivating a spirit of homemaking and a commitment to being a supportive and loving partner, will help you to go from single woman to married woman with more ease.
8. A desire to resolve past hurts and wounds and heal
Probably the most important sign that God is preparing you for marriage is when you’re increasingly motivated to confront and address any unresolved issues or emotional baggage from your past that could negatively impact your future relationship.
This might include seeking counseling or therapy, engaging in self-reflection and introspection, and seeking forgiveness for any past mistakes or hurts you may have caused others.
When you’re increasingly focused on developing the qualities necessary to be a healthy and whole partner, such as emotional maturity, empathy, and the ability to communicate effectively you become a better person and a better partner.
By confronting your past hurts and taking steps to heal and grow, you put yourself in a position to build a strong, emotionally healthy, and stable marriage that can last a lifetime.
9. An urge to settle down and live a slower life
Another sign that God may be preparing you for marriage is an urge to settle down and live a slower life.
Even though you might have been desiring to build a life with someone special for a while. It’s different when God is involved.
Suddenly you will long for a deeper sense of connection and stability, not just with a man but with the people around you, like friends and family too.
This can manifest in a variety of ways, such as feeling drawn to move back to your home city, welcoming a pet into your life, or feeling the desire to prioritize quality time at home over pursuing other activities and events.
10. A desire to deepen your relationship with God
The last one of the signs God is preparing you for marriage is that you will increasingly be drawn to God’s Word, seeking to learn more about His character and His plan for your life.
You will find yourself spending more time in prayer, worship, and fellowship with other believers, as you seek to grow in your understanding of God’s love and grace.
Moreover, you will notice a stronger sense of your self-worth and identity in Christ, because you recognize that your worth and value come from your identity as a beloved child of God.
How do you know who God wants you to marry?
The best way to know who God wants you to marry is by having a close relationship with Jesus Christ, being super sensitive to the holy spirit, and discerning His will using the Bible.
You have to seek His guidance through prayer and ask Him to reveal who He wants you to marry. Ask Him to reveal His will for your life and to give you wisdom and discernment.
In addition, you have to pay attention to the different ways the holy spirit speaks to you.
It could be through signs but also through wise counsel in the form of trusted friends, family members, and mentors who know you well and can provide you with honest and objective feedback.
Lastly, whenever you meet a new person use the Bible to discern better. There are so many Bible verses that speak of the characteristics of a godly man and what is needed to build a healthy relationship.
So, don’t be sidetracked by physical attributes or your idea of what makes a perfect guy, and instead seek out God’s word.
What happens when God prepares you for a relationship?
When God prepares you for a relationship, you will feel more clarity and peace about your single season.
A couple of months before I met my boyfriend I knew that God was preparing a relationship for me. I would tell all my friends, how I could feel it and knew it was about to happen.
Moreover, you will start to feel more joyful and excited, because you know your man is on his way. Suddenly time doesn’t matter anymore because you have had confirmation from God that it will happen in His perfect timing.
Lastly, when God prepares you for a relationship, He will start to align your desires and intentions with His will for your life.
Suddenly His desire for your life will feel good and exciting. And all your desires for past relationships or situations that didn’t honor him will start to feel wrong and uninteresting.
How do you know when God sends your husband?
You will know God sent your husband when you feel a sense of peace and confirmation in your spirit that this person is “The One” that God has sent into your life.
The relationship will feel like a blessing and totally aligned with God’s will for your life.
Another way that you will know that your new relationship is sent from God, is because of the spiritual connection and growth you will experience together.
A sense of safety and familiarity that makes you feel at home with this person. He will have such a good influence on your life that your loved ones will notice and affirm the relationship.
And the more you pray and talk to God about this specific person, the easier you will be able to tell.
How does God lead you to your spouse?
God leads you to your spouse by guiding you and revealing His purpose to you.
When you follow the right path you will notice the ways God shows up in your life. He will bless you with good friends, help you overcome hard times, and make you a better person.
God’s way of leading you to your future marriage might not always seem easy, but it is the most rewarding one.
When you commit to seeking God’s will above all else, He will guide you to the partner who is best suited for you and His purposes for your life.