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Signs A Man Is Emotionally Attached To You

signs a man is emotionally attached to you

I’m writing this blog post, post-breakup. And it feels weird, to say the least.

Because obviously, you googled this to find out the signs he is opening up to you, so that you can build a healthy relationship, right?

Well, as I’m reflecting on my last romantic relationship, I asked myself the same question as you.

Was our relationship deep enough? Did we really connect on an emotional level? 

And to answer that I decided to do some research. Here is what I found out about the signs a man is emotionally attached to you.

signs a man is emotionally attached to you

What is emotional attachment? 

If you have been following my blog this past year, then you might have noticed my interest in attachment theory.

Our different attachment styles heavily influence how we relate to each other and are often the reason why a relationship succeeds or fails. 

According to, strong emotional attachment refers to feelings of closeness and affection that help sustain meaningful relationships over time. 

A healthy emotional attachment within a relationship, makes you feel safe and secure, increases feelings of belonging and connection to your partner, and makes you feel comfortable while being vulnerable

Signs of an unhealthy emotional attachment on the other hand are anxiousness, dependency, and needy behavior.

Healthy attachment provides the breathing ground for love. This is why knowing how to build a strong emotional connection with a man can help you take your relationship from superficial to deep.

What makes a guy emotionally attached? 

So, the million-dollar question becomes “how do guys get emotionally attached?”. 

The answer is, for a guy to become emotionally attached to a girl, he needs to feel safe and comfortable enough around her to voice his real emotions and feelings. 

In contrast to women, men are rarely encouraged to show emotions and grow up suppressing them most of the time. 

Therefore, a man is more likely to feel emotionally connected to a woman who offers a safe space for him to be vulnerable and empowers him to be his authentic self with her. 

How do you know when a guy is emotionally attached

9 Signs a man is emotionally attached to you 

1. He opens up emotionally  

The first clear sign a man is emotionally attached to you is that he opens up emotionally. 

When a man feels connected to you he becomes more comfortable around you.

That means he gets more vulnerable and opens up his heart. He starts to share his dreams and goals with you, as well as his fears and insecurities. 

As mentioned before, men don’t have a lot of opportunities to build a real deep emotional connection, because they are taught to be strong and less vulnerable. 

This is why a woman often becomes their main confidant.

how do guys get emotionally attached

2. He cares about your emotional well-being 

The second sign of an emotionally attached guy is that he does not just dump all his mental stress on you but wants to build an emotional bond with you.

He will tell you about his anxieties and stressors and what keeps him up all night to truly connect. And he wants you to do the same because he cares about your emotional well-being.

He will be interested in how you are doing and what is going on in your brain.

And by being vulnerable with him, you create an intense emotional connection that takes you to the next level of the relationship.

3. He communicates in times of stress

One thing many of us girls notice in intimate relationships is that many men like to shut down and pull away during tough times.

Not because they have lost attraction for you, but because it’s their way of dealing with it. 

So it’s a very good sign when a man confides in you during times of stress. That means he sees you as his support system and wants to communicate. 

It is a very important sign that he caught strong feelings for you. Because there is nothing men will want to hide more than their weakness.

So, take it from me, if you experience this, it’s a sign a man is emotionally attached to you.

signs a man is emotionally connected to you

4. He asks for your opinion

Number 4 goes hand in hand with the previous point. One of the promising signs of emotional attraction from a man, especially in the beginning of a relationship, is that he asks you for your opinion or even advice. 

Yes, a very simple but very big sign.

Men want to impress their girlfriends and therefore tend to avoid sharing their challenges or problems.

Rather than asking you for help, he will often try to figure it out on his own. 

That’s why it’s good news when he feels comfortable enough to ask for your opinion or advice. It means that the walls are coming down and he feels good to be completely himself with you.

5. He sees you as his safe haven

Sign number five that a man is emotionally attached to you is my favorite one!

It’s when your bae sees you as his safe haven.

And one way to tell is that your presence becomes much more appreciated. Whenever you are around him, he feels at peace. Knowing that he can relax and unwind around you. 

Most of the time he will give you non-verbal cues or demonstrate with his body language that he loves having you around.

If your man hugs, cuddles, or gives you sweet little kisses whenever he passes you, chances are high that you have triggered his emotional attraction.

He wants to spend all his free time with you even when you don’t have anything exciting going on.

when a man opens up to you emotionally

6. He shares his wins with you

We all have that one person that we call whenever something good happens in our life. Maybe your best friend, your mother, or your sister. 

When you have won over a guy’s heart, you often become that person to him. The one he wants to share his wins with. 

Maybe because you have been through the ups and downs together, or maybe because you are the first person he thinks of when he feels good. 

Either way, when a man wants to celebrate his milestones with you, it means that he has caught feelings for you.

7. He makes you part of his life/ future

Did you know that attachment increases when we invest in someone?

Meaning that the more he emotionally connects with you, spends time with you, and plans for the future with you, the more he gets attached to you. 

It’s a big sign that he is all in.

So whenever a man consciously takes steps to make you part of his life and invests in your future together, it means he is getting more attached.

And the more attached he is the more he continues to build a fulfilling relationship for the two of you.

signs he caught feelings

8. He introduces you to his family

Of course, this post would not be complete without mentioning the important role family and friends play in a long-term relationship.

One of the telltale signs of an emotional connection with a man is that he will introduce you to his family members and close friends.

For a lot of men, that’s a big step!

It means they are looking to see how you fit into their world. Do you get along with his siblings? Does your mom approve of you, etc.?

And once he asks himself those questions, it’s because he really likes you and is ready to open his world up to you.

9. He feels physically safe

One thing most of us forget is that physical attraction is pretty superficial. It’s here one day and gone the next.

However, feeling physically safe with someone is very intimate and usually born through emotional intimacy.

One of the best ways to know that a man is emotionally connected to you is because he feels comfortable enough around you with his body.

Whether it is being naked together, or being sick and depending on you, or being truthful about his body insecurities.

All very big signs that you are in a physically and emotionally intimate relationship.

signs of an emotional connection with a man

What is emotional intimacy to a man?

Now that we have done the heavy lifting and determined the signs a man is getting emotionally attached to you, of course, we want to know why that is so important.

As mentioned earlier, emotional attachment between you and your man builds the foundation for love. Because we can only create an emotional connection with someone by being vulnerable, authentic, and kind to each other.

All important attributes that are needed for a meaningful relationship.

Therefore, when a man is emotionally attached to you in a healthy way, he starts caring for you on a deeper level.

He will want to spend quality time with you whenever possible and try to be close physically and emotionally often.

How do you know if you’re emotionally attached to someone?

As women, it often seems like we get emotionally attached to men quickly. But I don’t believe that’s true.

Being vulnerable and open with someone is just as hard for women, then it is for men. The only difference is that we know how to be.

That’s why you will know if you’re emotionally attached to a guy if you feel connected to them on an emotional level. You understand him completely and even mirror his feelings sometimes.

Being in his presence makes you feel good and you are completely comfortable being your authentic self. 

You take interest in who he is as a person and the things he likes to do. Not because you care about his hobbies and job, but because you care about him and how those aspects of his life make him feel. 

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